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1) 正在存退休金的中年夫妻

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2700 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, Ca 92606

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今天上班有點無聊, 看完丸子的婚紗, 就開始想到來SEARCH WEDDING 的東西, 雖然不是自己要結婚, 但反正多知道一些事情對自己以後也會有幫助. 講真的, 因為是台灣人, 所以對美國的習俗都不懂, 再加上參加的WEDDING也沒幾個, 所以也沒真的有參予到幫忙的. 但是, 更悲哀的是, 連台灣的習俗我也不懂.. 真是慘.. 所以,我就開始逛網站, 看到了下面這些資料對各位新手有些幫助, 以後需要Resource, 就可以從自己的部落格找, 也快些. 有經驗的可以來給點意見當參考, 是否每個人物都需要有?????

To help out with your co-directorial debut, we've prepared a cross-section of the wedding day cast of characters. (Keep in mind that most roles can be played by either gender, and by as many people as you want.) Best Man This guy acts as groom's valet (personal aide and advisor) through all stages of wedding planning. He's a fashion consultant, bachelor-party master of ceremonies, and commander-in-chief of the groomsmen brigade. His duties include (but aren't limited to): getting the groom to the ceremony on time; giving the officiant his/her fee after the ceremony; signing the couple's marriage license; and holding the bride's ring at the altar. He also is famous for his toasting skills and dancing savoir faire. Bridesmaids Trustworthy gal pals and female family members who form the bride's entourage (and ostensibly work well together). They are a support team for the maid of honor, helping with pre-wedding tasks when asked (addressing invites, making shower favors, planning the bachelorette party, and more). Bridesmaids are often expected to hit the dance floor running and play surrogate hostesses to guests. Candle Lighter In some Christian ceremonies, pre-teens aged nine to 12 light candles at the altar just before the mother of the bride (see below) is seated. Candle lighters may dress like the wedding party or not. Your choice. Father of the Bride In traditional wedding circles, this guy fronts most of the cash -- that's no small feat. In addition, brides' dads have picked up additional to-dos along the way. Dad's chores might include airport duty, coordinating maps/directions to the wedding site, scouting potential locations, doling out tips to wedding day staff, and a variety of toasting and hosting tasks. Father of the Groom He used to get away with fading into the woodwork, but nowadays he's suited up for action. In terms of cost contribution, the groom's dad traditionally pays for a few major items, notably the rehearsal dinner. He might also fulfill numerous dancing, toasting, and "manly" obligations (i.e., escort elderly women, move tables, address problematic service). It's nice, too, if he checks in with the bride's dad occasionally to offer moral support. Flower Girl/Child - (非小美樂莫屬啦) Wee ones aged three through eight who walk down the aisle before the bride, scattering flower petals from a basket (or carrying a pomander). Most flower children sit with their parents after completing their stroll. Groomsmen A posse of male family and friends who assist the groom in planning and preparing for the big day. Their chief responsibility? To help the best man plan and pay for the bachelor party and to support the groom. It's also common to have groomsmen do double duty as ushers, leaving their posts in time to process with the rest of the bridal party. They also get to decorate the getaway car, dance with dateless ladies at the reception, and act as a resource for confused guests. Honor Attendants The best man (see above) and the maid of honor (see below) are considered honor attendants. They may prefer to go by this title, forgoing gender-specific references. An honor attendant may also be known as "best person." Huppah Carriers In Jewish weddings, individuals close to the bride and groom (usually family members or close friends) may hold up the huppah poles during the ceremony. They are often part of the shushavim (see below).

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369 East Colorado Blvd,

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今天剛看完國光幫幫忙提到這個主題, 大家認為


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最近台灣被大陸的三聚氰胺搞得一團亂, 我自己本身也是受害著, 要不是本小姐愛喝咖啡, 就跑去香港超市買了"伯朗的藍山咖啡", 我大概已經喝玩了兩大包了, 每天早上一杯, 雖然沒有超過量,不過, 還是喝了一堆毒進去"八度"了... 大家最近真的要避免大陸那裏製造的東西(希望老爸在大陸不要不挑食)..
不過, 現在不只大陸製造食品不能吃了, 連大家喜歡的

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這是我在"我是女王"那個網站看到的, 剛好這篇講到避孕這檔事... 我發現這個網站很好喔!! 如果你經期很準的話, 可以用下面這個網站來算安全期, 不然, 有些麻麻都會不小心懷孕喔!! 嘻嘻...! 如何算安全期 可是, 我喜歡你們不小心懷孕, 因為寶貝們太可愛了!!! 真是不小心的好!!! 除了算安全期以外, 還有一個TOOL是算"星座寶寶" 如何訂做星座寶寶 這個真是太方便了, 可以幫你算如果你要"某星座" 要甚麼時後受孕最好... 哈哈 所以你們想要那個星座的寶寶呢??? (沒生的還可以選,已經生的, 當然是現在的最好啦) 我呢? 想要生個金牛女娃 (刻苦耐勞, 務實, 可靠, 性格温和但卻懒散,倔强固執但穩定) 與魔羯女娃 (獨立, 有毅力, 凡事謹慎理智) 男生呢? 我想要巨蟹男娃 (溫柔,感性,有同情心, 感情豐富) 或 處女男娃 (谨慎,負責, 穩定, 分析力強,可靠, 維一缺點是吹毛求疵) 以上我是說說而已, 做不做的到還不知道呢!? (我還沒有想生啦, 只是在為未來準備而已, 你們可別催某人讓我懷孕喔!!!)

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